or, An Illustrated Chronicle of the Journeys and Discoveries of an Explorer-Avatar in Second Life. My Expedition from Manyiminya to Trollhaugen Performed in the Years 2009-2013.
South Channel is the scene of an amazing haunted insane asylum! This is definitely something you'll want to check out. I spent some time wandering around the disturbing rooms and corridors being spooked by eerie noises.
Further East in Bay City - Falconmoon, another statue of a mole - this one looks important. I switched into some explorer's garb. I'm a firm believer in dressing appropriately.
I've noticed lots of real estate for sale in Bay City. Headed East from Bay City - Handa to Bay City - Rollers. This is the fancy art deco Bayjou theatre, by the way. They were screening machinima when I visited.
Moose Beach has all the misbehaviour of an infohub, but it's still a charming beach sim in many ways with lots of nice little details to discover when you explore.
Battery Passage is a very nicely landscaped headland, especially for a Mole build. Note: Second Life has a lot of lighthouses. East of here is another infohub at Moose Beach.
Bay City - Moosehead, a nondescript section of Bay City. The name "Dalay Park" following on from Daley Bay sim makes me think Bay City could be modelled on Chicago?
Inner Harbor is where the railroad track I'd been following meets the Bay City Trolley. The sim has a number of quirky industrial buildings made by the Moles (the build team that the Lindens use for their creations). My favourite is the Kittehwerkz Prim Inspection facility, although I think the LOLcat theme adds nothing to the fun of the concept.
Bay City - Docklands has an airship rezzing zone for anyone who wants to use the airport in Hau Koda. There's also a balloon tour which I skipped. I crossed the first of the city's canals here, walking across one of the famous bascule bridges. Amusingly, this sim features not only a church to get married in but also a Second Life divorce lawyer.
Hau Koda, as it turns out, is the site of the Bay City Municipal Airport, and an Infohub (the sim name means "hello, friend" in Dakota Sioux dialect). There are some nice art deco builds here: a large hangar, control tower, and terminal, which includes this globe showing Bay City.
Immediately South of Manyiminya is Mhindepinde. The railroad crosses a small bridge, and nearby a decrepit pier leads to an even more delapidated and empty metal shack.
There're indications that the sim could be named for a Shona term which might mean "continuous stream of people entering" ... which is kind of ironic.
Manyiminya is the end of the line. Or the beginning, to look at it another way. It's a mostly-water sim that forms part of the Gulf of Lauren. The name of the sim seems to come from the Bantu term for iridescence.
There's nothing much to see here apart from the railroad tracks, which I followed South to Mhindepinde.